Selasa, 18 Desember 2012

[One shoot FF / Onew] Mah Chiken! FFUUU--

Title : Mah Chiken! FFUUU--
Character : Lee Jin Ki aka Onew / Onyu, Lee Ji Ra (?) [OC] 
Chapter : One shoot
Genre : Comedy (i guess -_-)
Author : Baby Krisses ( =3=)/ yoo!
Languange : English (sorry for fu-- worst English -_-v)
Rating : 18 or older ._.This FF use abit of CURSE word


__Lee Ji Ra POV__

I'm sitting front of table and stares to all fucking crap who i called TASK book! Yes bi-- i didn't do anything to this crap even just little touchy touch. Gah! I got irritate to this shit. Mah dear lovely teacher~ why you so fvcking meanie? "Why? Whyy? Whyyy??" I do a fake sob and resting ma head to da stupid board who called table. 

"Hey you stupid snail! What da heck are you doing huh?" Onyu get in ma room "Just fu-- up! I wont arguing with you" i answer lazily "Its weird! What happen to ma lil snail sistah? Are you sick? Come on, tell to your smarty handsome brotah~~" He lift ma head up and peck ma lips fast "FFUUU--!!! What da fvck are you doing eh?! Yuck... I gonna PUKE!" I push him away till get fall to ma bed "Get your ass out of here!! Now!!!" , "Ji Ra baby~ Language~ language~~" Mom warning me from kitchen "Mom~ he dare to teasing me! He dirty lips just touching mine! Eww! Nastyyy!!!" I shout and pouts badly. He let chuckles out from his mouth "What so funny? You just take ma first kiss! Great Onyu! Great!!" , "Whuuutt? First kiss? Mother of chikens, Ji Ra. You life in modern era! Why had primitive minded?" , "Go to hell with your chiken, Onyu!" I push him out from ma room and slam da door.

Why he love to teasing me? Errrkk! I'm back to ma task and continue stare it. Tick tock tick tock! BOOOM! "Ahaa!!" God~~ Why you just gimme those idea rite now? I walk out from my room and get in Onyu room without knocking before "W-wait okay~ I'll be right back" He hanging up da phone "Onyu~" I spell out his name softly "What?" , "Ahh... Ermm... Onyu oppa, can you help me? :3 " I doing ma best crazy cute aegyo. He just lift his eyebrow like what-da-hell-you-want? "Help me doing ma task, oppa" He lying down and do fake snor. Seriously! I really want to knock his head! "I have a..." Cough "Chiken~~" I walk away in slow motion "Aarggh! Okay okay, I'll help you!" Easy to make a deal with him. Mwehehehe! "For you ma queen chiken... I'll do anything to get you" He hold his fist to hi chest and faking sob. What-the-fvck? =="

* * *

I sit beside him, he so serious doing ma task. He didn't complain for fvcking hard question of task, he do it well. He taking 30minutes to fill all shit (i mean, sheet). Finally, i falling asleep. "Ji Ra... Ji Ra... Lee Ji Ra! SNAIL!!" He shout out to ma ear "Gosh! I'm wake!" , "Already finish" , "Nothing much i can say, I LOVE YOU brotah!" I give him a teddy hug and heading to bed "Hey! What about chiken?" I pull half of ma shirt and showing ma gorjess flat tummy "Your queen already in here dude!" I falling my body to bed and continue my sleep. "HUUUWAAATT??? Mah chiken! FFUUU--! Yahh! You lil bas-- how dare you! You tricking me! FFUUU--" He yelled in frustration. 


too short and too bad! xD sorry guys~ thats all i can do ;__; i'm sorry... I'm sorry!! (?) #Getintomentalhospital

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