Jumat, 23 Maret 2012

The ordinary GazettO boys!

moshi-moshi~~ :D here i'm back peeps! #today i tried to speak english! X'D
okay... i'm here to SHOW u how to dance [?!] =__=" sorry sorry~ (SuJu sorry-sorry as background sound) :D 
SERIOUS! ><v i'll show u our boys GazettO without makeup n look alike ordinary boy ^^ ikr~ u all have seen gazettO member without makeup before. well, this post just a remind. NO! NOSTALGIA [?] X'DD LMAO. CHECK THIS OUT guys~ ^-^v

start from ma baby reita~ :* muaaahh! #BANG! -ruki shoot me- =_=v
oww! plus, reita without NOSEBAND! ;D

(_ _ll) please guys! dun bashing T-T i admit! for the first, i was like him cuz his cool style with noseband. nao, i love him cuz he is awesome bassist! i love him. ma SUZUKI AKIRA / SUZUKI RYO / UE-CHAN / BONKURA ! :D 

this~ reita just without noseband!

-reita sitting at corner room- xD tehehehehe~ (zzang is grins like a evil) whos NEXT?! -all gazettO member run away- ==" KAI! 

KAI without makeup! :D

kai "i'm still cute right?" tehehe -while giggling as usual- ==" ehh! OFCOURS u r ma boo~!! -poke his cheeks- xD 
nahh! next next next! uruha "DUN DARE TO POSTING MA PIC WITHOUT MAKE UP ZZANG! I'LL KILL YUHH!!!" -i'm shock lehh- O_O" okay okay~ nao, ur turn uru! [?!] -run n hide behind reita- 


still cute~!! ;D (copy those pic n throwing to everywhere) "CURSE U zzang!" -all gazette member hold uru to attack me, except ruki- na na na na na~~~ -keep going- xD 

OMGness! O__O" uru... i'm so sorry ><v i never want to see this pic ANYMORE! -uruha dying at corner room beside reita- 

 uru~ i love u no matter u r! *^* really~ dun sad okay? xD u r t best guitarist evahh ^^v i was just kidding... can u forgive me? :D btw, u look cute in this pic. (zzang trying to get uru's heart!) -AOI DOING DEATH STARE TO me- ._.v uru "hell yeahh! imma cute :P alr forgive u." xDD LOL

okay~ i think enough to uruha (_ _) -bow-
next! AOI-sama!! xD aoi "wth...!" ._.v

TT TT -hiding behind kai- [peace] xD

wth r u doing aoi? =="

i'm just find two pic about aoi without make up '-'v sorry guys! aoi "ha ha ha!" =="

THE LAST~!! -gazettO daddy [?] n me stare to ruki- ruki "KYAAAAAHH! NO!!!" -ruki shouting n run around- e__e"

u look cute lehh ruki-sama! :D 


i love this one! KAWAI *-*v

n NAO, lets see our GazettO together without makeup! xD

okay guys~ thats all! ^^ hope u enjoy it... btw, about the conv. i'm just kidding~ xD I LOVE GAZETTE WITH OR WITHOUT MAKEUP! :D shitsurei shimasu~ (_ _) -bows-

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